How to Properly Cut an Airsoft Tightbore Barrel

How to Properly Cut an Airsoft Tightbore Barrel

Tight Diameter vs. Standard Bore vs. Wide Bore Barrels in AEGs

In the world of airsoft today, at that place is even so plenty of give-and-take about which barrel is "better" when comparing them. The problem is that nigh people are non looking at the whole picture when comparison barrels. Each barrel serves its purpose, and it is near like comparison apples and oranges. I will not go into butt length in this article, as information technology has already been covered in a previous article. This article will only talk virtually barrel bores.

Let'southward commencement with tight bores, which typically come in two chief flavors: 6.01mm and six.03mm. For the purpose of this article I will ascertain a tight bore barrel equally whatever barrel from 6.00mm to vi.05mm. Your standard BB size will exist 5.95+-, so the corporeality of air space betwixt the BB and the bore of the barrel will exist extremely slim, and thusly volition reduce the corporeality of air loss and increment your FPS. If your gun was shooting 380fps with a standard barrel and you put a tight bore in information technology, you may see information technology jump to 400fps. While tight diameter barrels are practiced for increasing fps, they may not do much for accurateness. This is because as the BB is traveling down the butt there is less air space between the BB and the diameter, and then the BB volition really bounce around in the barrel. Tight bores are generally better for closer ranges.

Standard bore barrels are the barrels that come with guns from the factory. Aside from KWA, which uses a 6.05mm butt, most of these barrels are going to be 6.08mm. This butt is going to exist the best balance between range and accuracy. In another commodity I explained that barrels exercise not directly impact accuracy; this is done by the hop up system you have (i.eastward. flat hop or r-hop.) The merely matter to keep in mind when talking most the factory vi.08mm barrels is the quality. If you look downwardly a precision tight bore barrel and compare it to a factory six.08mm butt, y'all will notice that the tight bore is extremely polish and consistent. If you are going to use your stock barrel, you want to inspect it for imperfections. In a standard bore at that place will exist more air space between the BB and the bore of the barrel, and the BB volition be "cushioned" by the air around it. This will cause the BB to not bounciness as much inside of the barrel. Standard diameter barrels give you lot a nice balance between effective range and accurateness.

Broad bore barrels are not typically used in AEGs, but I can use them to prove my bespeak. Wide diameter barrels are anything above six.13mm. ORGA airsoft makes six.13mm and 6.23mm broad bore barrels. These are designed to give a large cushion of air between the BB and the bore of the barrel, as the BB is traveling down the barrel. This reduces the corporeality bouncing and friction of the BB within of the barrel. For AEG applications these barrels will non work because of the amount of extra air loss will crusade your FPS to decrease. You would have to do some serious modification to your gun to compensate.

Each barrel mode does have pros and cons, so makes your decision based on the application. Wide bore barrels piece of work extremely well in PolarStar guns considering the user tin increase the air pressure to compensate for the air loss. If you lot pair the correct barrel with a well tuned hop up system, you will be a strength to be reckoned with on the field.

How to Properly Cut an Airsoft Tightbore Barrel

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